FAQ And Glossary

BPS has been a trusted supplier of VRLA battery for over 12 years! Some of the things we encounter every day may be new to you. Hereby we have collected some of the frequently asked questions with regards to batteries below. If you have a question beyond what you see below, please contact us by dropping us an email support@bps-battery.com.
21. Self-discharge will reduce a battery's performance gradually. What is the best storage environment to minimize self-discharge? How can a battery be reverted to normal performance?
A battery will drop its performance during the storage period automatically due to “self-discharge”. This cannot be avoided.
We suggest recharging batteries during a storage period using the guidelines outlined below.
Normally you may not get 100% performance back after storage during the first recharge. That means those batteries may need more than one recharge cycle. Please discharge and recharge, for 3 cycles.
22. If a battery fails, what will be the indications?
1. Lower performance
2.Low voltage
3.Cannot charge/recharge
4.Swelled container
5.Acid corrosion
23. Can I take my wheelchair, scooter or other equipment that is powered by a BPS VRLA battery with me on the passenger airplane and cruise ship?
There should be no problem if the battery is of the absorbed glass mat (AGM) type. These series of VRLA batteries are classified as "Battery, wet non-spillable, not subject to regulations" by DOT and IMO. By IATA they are classified as "Not restricted for air transport" and they are in compliance with IATA/ICAO special provision A67.
However, it must be remembered that the carrier may have more restrictive policies and they should be contacted prior to scheduling and ticketing. Also, be aware that the "Captain" has the final word on items carried on the aircraft/ship.